Never Mind my Thigh Gap


Every individual is unique & special in their own way!

Author Sarah Newton surely does bring back some long forgotten, cherishing memories of school days for her readers by introducing to us ‘Alice Delaney’ an unusual teenage high-school girl with her adolescent fads and fascinations of boys, gossips, desiring ‘that perfect body’ any girl would love flaunting and last but not the least negative opinion about one’s self.
With confident and gorgeous friend ‘Isabella’ and handsome rugby player boyfriend ‘Julian’, Alice finds it difficult to position herself in the perfect world of teenagers. When Isabella suggests Alice to join a modelling competition for the sake of boosting her confidence, life is sure to bring changes Alice least expected.
It is very thoughtful of author Sarah Newton to weave in her real-life experience expertly into an intriguing narration by not just leaving her young readers at the mercy of an under confident character but instead carving out a motivational fiction from the teenage blues by giving us an inspiring underlying moral that every individual is unique and special in their own way. Depicting the problems faced by young adult from the perspective of a young teenage girl, author has smartly and skillfully brought out the sensitive subject of teenage school life, fascinations and issues giving her readers a novel worth reading and reliving the age and time that the characters of the read experience. Highly recommended!

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