George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley

Fantasy with picturesque imagery. A modern day book with a classic touch of Aesop’s Fables, author Helen Fox’s read is immaculately flavored with moralistic undercurrents of friendship, values of life and family love through the whimsical adventure of a young crow who has lost his parents in a horrific killing in penny woods. Blossom Valley Read more about George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley[…]

Psychedelic Hero’s Journey of a Traveling Nobody

A thought provoking spiritual guide. ‘Psychedelic Hero’s Journey of a Traveling Nobody’ is a spiritual new age memoir that will fuel ones intellectual curiosity. While gathering federal aviation pilot certificate to reach the ‘top pilot certification’ author john (traveling nobody) realizes that it was an empty pursuit and he was just one angle of the Read more about Psychedelic Hero’s Journey of a Traveling Nobody[…]