An enjoyable, eloquent romp through universe.
‘Lost Universe 1’ is an entertaining sci-fi with rich astronomical overtones embedded into an utterly engrossing and adventurous journey to find the end of the universe.
A team of 4 remaining special crew members navigate through the complexities of the dark corners of universe and explore the mysterious existence of alien inhabitants after a mission is gone awry. The plot gets thrilling and even creepy as captain Patrick, Josh, Vanessa and Kathy venture a dynamic journey in year 2255 through a lit crack in the fabric of space.
Author Keith Brandon’s passion for his subject of exploration and travelling is evident as his narration overflows with imaginative conceits. The manner is amusing and the mystery surprisingly good with a diverse cast of secondary characters. ‘Lost Universe 1’ is definitely a sci-fi and an enjoyable, eloquent romp through the universe that can be easily paced during a relaxing vacation.
Destined to capture imagination, immersive and captivating ‘Lost Universe 1’ is an absorbing installment that is sure to re-energize tropes in the sci-fi genre. For those who are fan of ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Passengers’ and fan of the genre, author Keith Brandon’s fiction is a worth while read.