The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman


Truly a treasured possession!

‘The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman’ is a heart warming tale of a boy Moojie Littleman which flows smoothly like a cascade of water into a mesmerizing and a consuming read well woven with emotion, magic, fantasy and depth of life realities.
Moojie gets into the lives of Littleman family as an abandoned orphan baby. Crippled and not growing as a ‘normal child’ makes him get extra pampering by mamma Littleman for his genuine and in genuine tantrums. As destined Moojie’s happy family life was short lived, when he lost his caring and most loving parent mamma to an accident at the age of eight and was left by his papa at the mercy of his grandfather ‘Pappy’ at the St. Isidores Fainting goat dairy to learn and deal with the peaks and valleys of his growing days.
Author Robin Gregory artistically crafts much more to Moojie’s magical tale leaving her readers inquisitive and entertained to the heights of imagination till the very end of this masterpiece.
Though ‘The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman’ is a debut novel of author Robin Gregory, it surely increases our expectations from this blessed, talented and promising writer.
Those with a thirst for flawless entertaining read are sure to miss a great deal without ‘The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman’ in their treasured possession. Highly recommended to all!

2 thoughts on “The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman

  • Thank you for a beautiful review! What a wild-crazy business publishing is!
    Since the book was released, it has won 14 awards. It’s going to be translated into Chinese Feb. 2018. Also, I’m working with an acclaimed producer to bring an adaptation to the big screen. I’m deeply grateful to reviewers like you who take time out of their busy days to read, share and comment on books. You are helping forge a path for unknown authors like me to send our work out into the world. I will always treasure this review. It reminds me that the 13 years it took to write the book was worth the trouble.

    Bright blessings,
    Robin Gregory

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