The Moonlit Goddess Presents: A Seasons of Change Novella: A Wynter’s Tale

Spellbinding, modern day parable.

Unfolding a modern day fiction with an affable appeal ‘A Wynter’s Tale’ is an adventurous narration of two charismatic characters Belinda ‘Linda’ Denise Martins Capwell Chamberlin and ‘Wynn’-Wynter Hawkings a retired, recovering air force pilot.

Adopted by a wealthy couple after the accidental death of their only son- Gregory, Linda had it all that money could buy but was forced to keep out of sight from her cold despondent adoptive parents as she made a poor substitute for Gregory. A dramatic twist brings Linda in the pathway of Wynn Hawkings who has his own share of complications to solve and figure out.

Author PSG Lopes demonstrates the power of simple words and snappy dialog in a spellbinding intriguing tale through the amazing camaraderie of Linda and Wynn as they embark on an adventurous journey of a lifetime that is sure to resonate with readers and evoke emotional attachment for each of the characters long after the last page has been turned.

‘A Wynter’s Tale’ is a delightful, entertaining and a heartfelt tale of head strong characters superbly crafted with well thought out diction that is sure to satisfy and appeal to the fans of the genre and to light hearted reads lovers. Highly recommended. Its a well rounded, Entertaining 5 star read.

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