Original contribution to the genre of literary fiction.
A powerful story with rich descriptive prose and intricate narrative ‘The Eternal Struggle: An Amorous Story’ is a glittering literary fiction penned down by author Lawrence G. Taylor that is sure to resonate with readers long after the last page has been turned.
Guyanese at origin and in spirit, James- a porter at hospital is a fun loving bachelor who has dated several pretty women, until his interest at short term relationships is lost and he decides to take a chance on committed relationship with Maud Magnusson (a journalist) who is intellectual, sexy and falls under the criteria of James outlook for a perfect life partner with stability. Both James and Maud navigate the complexities of relationship, romance and identity as they are opinionated with high self esteem and confidence.
Set in the early 70s in the era of political protests and sexual revolutions ‘The Eternal Struggle: An Amorous Story’ is a thoughtful, well plotted yarn with a touch of traditional contemporary romance that emphasis on faith, family, friends and commitment.
It is definitely impossible to resist author Lawrence G. Taylor’s charming and amusing story telling mastery as he displays an exquisite thoughtful exploration of ties that bind the fluidity of relationships, sexuality and life. Tender and compelling, this novel is a pleasingly original contribution to the genre of literary fiction that is worth reading.
A fine and compelling review.