Vamp Lure: Cain and Cassie (Vamp Empire Book 1)

An absorbing 1st installment.

‘Vamp Lure: Cain and Cassie’ is an erotic fantasy with tender and compelling narration that flips between characters of Cain and Cassie reveling an entertaining caper fiction. With passion for fictional characters of vampires and their romances, Cassie unravels a completely new dimension to the life of vampires, that is a contrast to the fictional books Cassie owns after an interview with Arcain Enterprises.

Author Dani Stowe doesn’t take time to flesh out the story that is intriguing enough to engage readers through new plot twist and mystery that overflows with imaginative conceits. Navigating through the complexities of romance, sex and identity- vamp here is not weighed down by stereotypical characters and situation.

Those who enjoy a mix of fantasy, romance and adventures with a clever cast of main characters and diverse cast of secondary characters are sure to fall for this installment. Though it is impossible to resist authors amusing narration ‘Vamp Lure’ is a book for mature readers and adults and not for teenage readers for its sexual and violent content. Engrossing and entertaining, ‘Vamp Lure: Cain and Cassie’ is a read that is worth while and highly recommended for the fans of the genre.

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