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The Language of Love

Moonglow is a well plotted novel with a very different story line where a twenty two year old super model Rena Hilst is passionately in love with her 43 year old boss Shell Dawes. Will Rena be honest in her love life with Shell Dawes and prove the promise oh ‘happily ever after’ in the long term relation in spite of being in the field of fashion where many other beautiful professionals are involved.
Author Charlie Hatfield has touched a very sensitive subject of ‘Lesbian Love’ and brought up strong characters like Rena and Shell and their passionate love making very clearly. All emotions of love, sadness, the professionalism of fashion are well portrayed and well woven in the book. One is sure to enjoy how the character of Shell Dawes will strive to protect her love life and overlook the cheating of her life partner in spite of knowing that its not the first time Rena has slept with other women.
The book has all color’s of life and it is highly recommended to all esp. those who are looking for a different outstanding novel with a sensitive story line of Lesbian love life. Readers are sure to enjoy the glimpse of glamorous world of fashion. A must read!

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