Enigma Black (Enigma Black Trilogy Book #1)


Inspiration to all!

Enigma Black is a heart warming novel mix of romance, sci-fic action thriller and political drama, where Celaine Stevens comes out as a very strong main character.
The book slowly takes readers through phases of Celaine’s life where she has to go through so much when she looses her loved ones due to terrorist attacks. Character of Celaine was so well portrayed by the author that it made me feel she was someone i knew well. The decisions taken by Celaine at different stages of life and her recovery from grief to a super hero brought burst of emotions in me.
Although the book has many other amazing characters evil and good like Blake, Chase, Lucy and man in black, Celaine was the most appealing. It was heart whelming to see a women come up so strong against the evil of terrorism and fight back, in spite of being broken down by the wounds of past of loosing her family.
The book has realistic dialog between characters and action packed scenes which will let the imagination of readers grow wild and free. The novel has a very strong story line ,with the base of today’s Worlds biggest evil ‘terrorism’. This book gives all women inspiration to come up strong in any situation and be superheros of their life.
Highly recommended to the wonderful specie ‘women’ and to all those looking for an incredible read!!

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