File A Proper Claim


Different but captivatingly interesting novel!!

‘File A Proper Claim’ by M. Garnet is an interesting novel based on the genre of science – fiction. Writer M. Garnet has a very well imagined story line where a well trained and well experience young female archaeologist Dr. Norris ‘Patty’ is sent along with a group of some other scientists on a planet similar to Earth for exploration. This planet has many natives similar to the natives in the jungle of Earth but they have their own technology and livelihood. Archeologist ‘Patty’s’ world is turned upside down when the natives want to only negotiate with scientists of earth for trading Patty since she is a female and they have lack of females on their planet and they refer ‘Patty’ as a ‘breeder’.
Author M. Garnet has given a wonderful description of flora, fauna, jungle and climate of this planet along with an appealing description of natives masculine appearance which makes visualisation of the story easy for its readers. Though the book begins with a slow and somewhat boring description of Dr. Norris’s work and work environment but after reading a few chapters readers are drawn in by very interesting story which is so captivating that one cant get their hands off the book, leaving the book in middle feels like leaving an interesting sci-fi movie in between.
I would love to compare author M. Garnets ‘File A Proper Claim’ with the famous and blockbuster movie ‘Avatar’. I am sure this book can make a perfect sci-fi tv show since it has a well imagined storyline of other planets exploration and some main characters giving it an interesting touch.
I would suggest all those who want to go by the negative reviews about this book are sure to miss on something very interesting. This book is highly recommended to all and esp. to children, youngsters and to all those interested in something with a new sci-fi storyline. Well Its a must read!!

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