The Magical world of Miranda
‘The Dream Walker’ by Michelle Murray is one of the finest and captivating fairy tale one can come across, it is a perfect weave of magic, fantasy, dragons, mystery, adventure, kingdom and wizards.
The novel turns very interesting from the very first page when the story paces slowly to the Kingdom of Mystica where one of the six wizards ‘Midnights’ soul is freed from stone accidentally and unknowingly by an innocent little boy, leaving the Kingdoms fate in doom. Wizard Midnight desires to gain power over the Kingdom of Mystica destroying everything in its path .Only one wizard can stop the evil magical powers of midnight..he is the wizard Lightning but wizard Lightning is trapped in a white stone due to the magical spell and he can be only freed by a dreamwalker: ‘Miranda’ a girl from a different world with magical powers.
Writer Michelle brings a lot of twists in the book through Miranda’s adventure in the world of mysterious magical forests, dwarfs and dragons. The beautiful description of Kingdom of Mystica makes visualization and imagination easy for readers to get engrossed in the book and captivated till the last page.
The Dream Walker by Michelle Murray is sure to make a fantastic animated movie series for kids and teenagers. This novel can be a perfect companion for those interested in short and interesting read with a strong story line.
I highly recommend this book to all and esp. to young adults and kids because in spite of being a fantasy novel it has a moral, where the good wins over the evil and no one is small to bring good changes in the world!..Its a must read!!