A fiction in the classical style of a bygone era
‘The Prince of Glencurragh’ is an enthralling tale of battle and birthright where author Nancy Blanton weaves her knowledge and research of history expertly into a believable and fascinating fiction based on reality of 1634 Ireland.
With the mastery over the language and its nuances author Nancy Blanton takes her readers through the era of Irish rebellion of 1641, where an English law of plantation system, suppressed livelihood and right of inheritance of properties forcefully from many Irish sons leaving them helpless and homeless. Both poignant and optimistic, author Nancy unfolds her historical fiction at a reasonable pace depicting an appealing protagonist ‘Faolan Burke’ who strives to get his right over stolen heritage, The Castle Glencurragh by abducting a beautiful young heiress, ‘Vivienne Fitzgerald’ to build a new prosperous life. With all the wondrous adventures encountered by ‘Faolan’ and ‘Vivienne’ readers are taken through an enchanting yet thorny path of journey that is sure to engage them on many levels. ‘The Prince of Glencurragh’ is a well written fiction smartly embedded into historical events to satisfy any fan of this genre.
Author Nancy Blanton is a storyteller in the classical style of a bygone era that surely makes her work a possession that is worthy of being widely read. Highly recommended.