FairyTale Revenge (FairyTale Stepmothers Book 2)

A modern day fairy tale with classical undertones.

Well worth readers anticipation, author J.L. Higgs ‘Fairy Tale Revenge’ book 2 from Fairy Tale Stepmothers Series shines out bright, unfolding an entertaining caper for those who enjoy an intriguing mix of fantasy, adventure and a cast of amusing characters.

Letting go and allowing life to lead the way- Sylvia Stark has accepted her fate after being fired from Celebrity News and decides to spend some peaceful time away from stress after battling the unexpected at the Fairy Land when an abrupt appearance of Hayley Dumpt at the hotel room plunges Sylvia immediately into action for a long owed favor to Ella. Back on feet, Sylvia Stark is paired with her cameraman Stuart on a bumpy ride through a whimsical adventure in the Land of Make Believe.

‘Fairy Tale Revenge’ is a modern day fairy tale read with classical undertones seamlessly blended with original premise and dramatic twists. Author J.L. Higgs storytelling mastery is on full display, powered by vivid, breath taking narration, snappy dialog, vulnerability and sense of humor that is sure to engage long time fans on many levels.

With some unexpected twists in store ‘Fairy Tale Revenge’ is a 5 star read that is sure to leave readers speculating and wanting more. Definitely recommended for all fantasy fans and esp. for those following the Fairy Tale Stepmothers Series.

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