Shadow of the Raven (Sons of Kings) (Volume 1)


A well narrated and researched masterpiece.

Author Millie Thom definitely deserves to be appreciated for her mesmerizing novel ‘Shadow of the Raven (Sons of Kings Book 1) as she very artistically and thoughtfully weaves delicate threads of history with captivating fiction bringing out an intriguing life journey of two kingdoms and their sons Alfred of Wessex and fictional Eadwulf of Mercia in the times of 851 A.D when the barbaric practices by fierce Danes were on unbelievable heights destroying everything in their way.
‘Shadow of the Raven’ is well narrated masterpiece in the genre of history-fiction with gripping cast of characters. Author Millie Thom has used her knowledge of region and historical events to craft an absorbing novel which is sure to paint vivid pictures for readers to lose themselves in the depth of plot enjoying every moment of transportation in times of 9th century. This book is incredibly well researched work of a talented writer which surely paves way for more to come in this series. Those looking for strong historical heroes and their tales, ‘Shadow of the Raven (Sons of Kings Vol 1) deserves a worthy place on their book shelf. Highly recommended to all history lovers and esp. to mature readers.

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