Mervyn vs. Dennis


Superbly crafted.

Depicting a unique relationship of employer and employee through explicit plot that is both poignant and hilarious, author Niels Saunders will give his readers an engaging ride through life’s paradox situations. When Mervyn Kirby gets easy money making job of a video game tester, he attracts the attention of a racist- overpowering ‘bossy’ boss ‘Dennis Lane’ who is not only all set to boss around Mervyn’s office hours but will also invade his privacy and personal space by giving him a ‘living hell experience’ by his interfering and imposing nature.
‘Mervyn vs Dennis’ is smartly narrated humourous tale that moves at a breakneck pace, combined with a writing style that provides vivid mental picture of the believable characters that are always just a cubicle away. Using the natural instincts of a smart storyteller author Niels has skillfully embedded a simple captivating storyline with a little mysterious twist to be discovered by his readers that is bound to keep them at the edge of their seats till the very end.
‘Mervyn vs Dennis’ is a read with diverse appeal and would be appreciated by any reader who has a taste for humour and interest for a well thought out storyline. This masterful hilarious tale of a charismatic hero is definitely worthwhile.

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