To Hell And Back: Heroin And Recovery: My Life Of Addiction And Recovery Told Through Past Journals


A real life experience to encourage the sufferers…Very inspiring!!

First of all I’d like to congratulate author Aaron Emerson to over come his addiction of heroin and make a successful recovery. It is definitely easy to preach those who are suffering at the hands of addiction of drugs but to experience the reality by oneself and overcome it after getting deeply effected, takes a lot of courage and will power as author has done.
Author Aaron Emerson gives his readers a first hand experience of his addiction and recovery of heroin by taking them down through the memory lane where he turned to drugs to over come his pain of the tragic death of his cousin.
‘To Hell And Back’ is one of the most heart wrenching memoir of a teenage boy suffering at the mercy of addiction and going through a series of bad experiences and events, strong enough to shatter the personality of any man. It was very thoughtful of author Emerson to depict the pictures of his dark past in an easy, gripping journals to bring brightness in the lives of those who are still slave to addiction of heroin or drugs. I’m sure this amazing book will give a ray of hope to the loved ones of the sufferers and encourage them to follow the inspiring pathways author walked on to be a role model for many. Memoirs of these kind are very motivational and deserve to be widely read and treasured. Highly recommended.

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