Count Angelo


‘Love is in the air’

Count Angelo’ is a touching and heartwarming novel about a love story of two lovely couple Bianca Davis and Count Angelo but this is a no ordinary love- romance story since it involves a human and a vampire. When Bianca moves to Pennsylvania with her family, she immediately finds out that things are weird in the town, a handsome young vampire- Count Angelo gets attracted to her and then there is no looking back for this couple, they both are deeply involved with each other but they are sure to face obstacles created by their families and friends.
Definitely author Makal Thomas’ Count Angelo is a book with a different, captivating and strong storyline which involves vampires, werewolves and humans and gives its readers a well imagined, visualistic glimpse into the life of vampire, his castle, his social life with his friends and also his lifestyle.
This book surely gets its readers absorbed with strong, realistic characters and very descriptive- budding romance, without really scaring anyone even after involving such scary and horrifying creatures such as vampires.
I would highly recommend this book to all and esp. to all those interested in the genre of romance to read this highly interesting book and discover the world of love and romance with a difference. Its a must read!


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