How to Marry Your Wife


Sweet-sour tale of romance

Author Stella Marie has a unique style of carving out most mesmerizing romantic tales from the medieval times by using highly seductive and appealing characters with captivating and strong story line.
‘How To Marry Your Wife’ is simply one of the most addicting novel which is sure to cast a spell over its readers where we’ll be witnessing the journey of young beautiful 16 yr old maiden Meredith or Merry and bold and handsome knight Thomas D’Agostine who are deeply in love with each other but as the destiny decides Thomas departs from Merry to London with a promise to marry her. When he returns after 6 long years he finds merry to be a mother of a 6 year old son. Thomas weds Merry as promised after a long wait of six years but will Merry take him as a lawfully wedded husband and forgive him for his long departure of past?
‘How To Marry Your Wife’ is sure to keep ones curiosity level on top and build up interest with entertainment by the turn of every single page.
I am sure those in love with the genre of fantasy and romance are going to miss a lot if they don’t get their hands on ‘How To Marry Your Wife’ by author Stella Marie. Just sit back and indulge in sweet-sour romance of the medieval times.

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