An admirable concise style of narration.
‘Tears of Glass’ is an intriguing mystery thriller that overflows with imaginative concepts and complimenting musical accompaniments of 60s and 80s.
Ex-football player Morgan’s past is embedded with unfortunate and unsuccessful episodes of his life. His degree in architecture just earns him a reasonable living until his new found fate stands in the way of secrets and conspiracies involving the government. Morgan starts loosing his close ones through horrifying mysterious deaths. Tackling persistent life threatening dangers, Morgan flees to Californian desert stumbling unknowingly upon a life changing disaster.
Infusing intense action and violence with rich descriptive scenarios author David Lake develops an admirable concise style of narration that captivates and engages his readers through a convincing troubled character who stirs the heat and unsettle the emotions as he fights his way through his own poignant tale of endurance while emerging from an era brought vividly to life.
The chapters in ‘Tears of Glass’ are thoughtfully textured leading into a far reaching rambunctious thriller that will be thoroughly enjoyed by the fans of the genre long after the last page has been turned. This novel is definitely a 5 star must read!