May’s Moon


Motivating and engrossing children’s fiction.

British teenager Micheal May has always dreamed of being an astronaut going to the Moon. ‘May’s Moon’ is an engaging, fast paced read which will take little young readers through the adventurous journey of Micheal as he gets selected from the thousands of other kids for a journey to the Moon but has to qualify against top ten contenders and be amongst the three who’ll be chosen for special training at NASA.
Life wont be a bed of roses for Micheal as he over comes and deals with the hurdles and challenges thrown in his path by destiny to full fill a dream larger than life.
Author S.Y. Palmer sure knows how to deal with and keep little inquisitive minds thrilled, engaged and educated at the same time by giving in the right amount of knowledge about science of space weaving perfectly with an intriguing tale of a young boy’s struggle of catching over his dreams.
Will Micheal emerge as a winner and be the first child to travel to moon? Those looking for an answer to Micheal’s adventurous life ‘May’s Moon’ is a sure recommendation.

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