The Scarlet Promise

Profound exploration of life and unconditional love. Based on literary romance with an emphasis on faith, family and commitment, ‘The Scarlet Promise’ by author Sangeeta Kathuria is a glittering tale of love, loss and second chances that seamlessly blends with spellbinding narration and evocative prose sprinkled with cultural specific details of two lovers from different Read more about The Scarlet Promise[…]

A Case Of Black Rock and other stories

An exemplary collection of short stories. Sprinkled with specific details, factual tone and varying in formats and lengths, author Simon Marshland’s ‘A Case of Black Rock and other stories’ is a collection of tales anchored on the framework of crime, romance, drama and fiction. Reading like the many distillations of life, some poignant, some evocative Read more about A Case Of Black Rock and other stories[…]

A Different Kind of Fire & Fury: Revenge

Cleverly constructed to puzzle and intrigue readers. Laudable blend of mystery and mayhem brimming with uncouth action and narratives ‘A Different Kind of Fire & Fury: Revenge’ is an enigmatic psychological thriller by author Julie Reichwein. The aftermath of a covetous rape case of an intern at Jones Financial Group- Maria Acevedo leaves detective Michelle Read more about A Different Kind of Fire & Fury: Revenge[…]

The Madhouse of Love

Non-fiction peppered with innocence and reality. Delivering an enticing past of a teenage boy, ‘The Madhouse of Love’ is a young adult read told in an unpretentious style that is tender and touching. Deftly paced and controlled, author Peter G. Mackie immerses readers in his novel by reconstructing his own past through poignant yet commendably Read more about The Madhouse of Love[…]

The Altar Boy

Honest, believable and relentlessly gripping. A fascinating historical backdrop with an authentic period feel that manages to enliven and enhance a rambunctious era of 1960’s governed by the power of catholic church, ‘The Altar Boy’ is a fictionalized memoir of a young compelling character of a boy -Carl Sanders. Author Phil Stephen capably sketches a Read more about The Altar Boy[…]

Out For Blood: 18 Authentic True Crime Stories of Murder and Mayhem

Of enduring interest to crime spree savourers. Agonizing, unsettling and some graphically gruesome collection of true crime narratives, ‘Out For Blood’ is a non fictional account of cold blooded serial killers and their brutality (who killed the innocent ‘just for fun’ or chose their victims randomly). Using photos of victims and murderers, police procedural and Read more about Out For Blood: 18 Authentic True Crime Stories of Murder and Mayhem[…]

The Devourer

Attention grabbing narrative. An emotionally and historically rich work, delivered with picturesque imagery and mastery over language and its nuances, ‘The Devourer’ is a paranormal suspense with strong character portrait of an intrepid and modest wife and a frightening villain with his ominous secrets twisted in the times of 19th century (1858) Paris. Fashion shop Read more about The Devourer[…]

The Abduction Chronicles

Realistic yet episodic. ‘The Abduction Chronicles’ is an out of the world adventurous scifi with superbly proactive plot-intrusive extraterrestrial beings. Peppered with deftly paced humor, romance and mystery, author Thomas Hay throws in a few of his own occult encounters of unusual phenomenon experienced at different levels of life. Skeptic as his readers might be, Read more about The Abduction Chronicles[…]

Cross of a Different Kind: Cancer & Christian Spirituality

An amazingly powerful read- sure to leave an impact. ‘Cross of a Different Kind: Cancer & Christian Spirituality’ is a Christian themed self-help book of hope and endurance. Cancer survivor author Anthony Maranise pens down a thoughtful resource and reassures all those touched by cancer in any of its forms- diagnosed or survived. With rich Read more about Cross of a Different Kind: Cancer & Christian Spirituality[…]

CRADLE OF CRIME : A Daughter’s Tribute

A straight forward homage to a father. ‘Cradle of Crime:  A Daughter’s Tribute’ is a serious literary work of depth, complexity and pragmatic display of family’s history imperfections. Weaving together events witnessed personally and those gleaned from friends, associates, historians, FOIPA, INS and archives of the Department of Justice, author Luellen Smiley’s memoir is a Read more about CRADLE OF CRIME : A Daughter’s Tribute[…]