Atheisaurus 1:: Bjorn and Zorn


Why should adults have all the fun??

Usually we find the Sci-Fi novels based on Aliens and creatures living on another planet- very horrifying, mysterious, dense-serious reads based on highest level of imagination targeting young adults or sensible readers but in this case of Author Andrew Cahill-Lloyd’s book ‘Atheisaurus 1: Bjorn and Zorn’, we will surely witness our little young readers giggling and laughing while exploring the adventurous journey of two unusual, thoughtful and friendly time travelling aliens- a bright green dog known as Bjorn and a bright purple cat- Zorn all set to save Earth and rid its inhabitant- Humans from the destruction caused by religious fractions. They are not alone in their mission, in fact they select four other humorous and funny animals- Ptoni- the Pteranodon, Florence-the Jersey Cow, Penelope-the Penguin and Dax- the Marine Coon Cat from different parts of earth for their team and to accomplish their mission.
It is very thoughtful and different of author Andrew Cahill to create and give new dimensions to the wild, boundless imagination of our young innocent kids with a perfect moral of making our world a better place to live, without dividing humanity on the bases of religious fractions.
This amazingly captivating book can also be read to little ones who cant read by themselves giving them a perfect short bedtime read.
Highly recommended to all lovely kids out there who are unaware of the evil killers of humanity and a lesson for adults to promote this book as a moral for a better cause!

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