

‘Girl’- Harsh Realities!!

‘Girl’ by Author Robert N. Chan is an amazingly heart warming and touching novel with a very sensitive issue of woman’s acceptance in the society and her family as well.
Author Robert Chan has portrayed wonderfully an amazing character of a teenage 15 yr old girl named Hannah who leads a normal life with basic dreams until one day her world is turned up-side down when she is brutally raped by a butcher who not only hurts her physically but gives her wounds, deep enough to hurt her soul. The novel there on takes smoothly, from Hannah’s struggle for acceptance by her family and society after change in their perspective and outlook towards the realities of life.
Author Robert Chan has touched every string of reader’s soul and mind by weaving such a touching, sensitive issue into an interesting read which brings out burst of emotions- of sadness,mercy and wanting to help Hannah to cope up with situation.
I would love to recommend this novel to all and esp. to mature and adult readers since this book has some reality based scenes. Its a must read!

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