Flip This Ghost


Romance, passion & betrayal artistically wrapped in a paranormal read!

Divorce with Mark leaves Anna Westicon hurt, betrayed and lonely and relying on her only friend Cheryl too leaves Anna ditched until she finds love and passion with Marcus- the ghost while renovating an old abandoned mansion of 1896 ‘Queen Anne’.
Destiny is sure to make Cheryl reap what she had sown and Anna has to decide whether Marcus is worth her love and trust.
The steamy, hot seductive romance thrown in by author Debbie Moore makes the book a gripping read without letting lose the basic story line of a paranormal novel where ‘a ghost’ is artistically crafted into one of the most interesting and appealing character. The story gets entertaining by the turn of every page revealing the suspense about the characters and their existence.
This novel is very impressive due to its unusual style of narration which helps to envision the world of Anna and Cheryl. Author Debbie L. Moore does a great job of creating and twisting her novel in a unique way and leaving her readers surprised by the end of the tale.
‘Flip This Ghost’ is definitely romance, passion and betrayal artistically woven into a tale giving new definition to a paranormal read.
For those who think paranormal are always bone-chilling, this fast paced book is sure to serve as a change of mood and flavor. Highly recommended!!

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