Love Seeks No Boundaries


‘Love is blind’

Author Sourabh Khanna’s ‘Love Seeks No Boundaries’ is sure to take its readers on a heart warming journey of a love story of two indian lovers- Sukhi and Priya, living and working in Australia.
The book flows smoothly like water and is a fast paced read with a wonderful weave of emotions and sentiments and difficulties created by Indian ‘caste and creed system’ faced by two young lovers in their way of liking and wanting to be together as life partners.
Novel ‘Love Seeks No Boundaries’ is not only an interesting love story but also an eye opener for the readers to realise that even today lovers have to face the hurdles in their way created by out-dated thoughts and practices of caste, creed,racism, religion and region followed by indian society.One is sure to face burst of emotions while reading this ‘ little love story’ based on a strong and well plotted storyline with amazing and captivating characters.
I would love to highly recommend this book to all youngsters specially those living in so called’ modern world and society’ to read and to come forward to rescue those who really have faced or are facing similar situation in story and put an end to the evil practices followed by any society against love or lovers. ‘Let love conquer it all’ and make the world a better place to live. Its a must read!

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