Do You Solemnly Swear? A Nation of Law, The Dark Side


A reality based suspense thriller

‘Do You Solemnly Swear?’ is an amazing and an excellent reality based novel by Author Lin Wilder, where a former Marine and Texas State trooper ‘Gabe Mc Allister’ (a believer of law) is accused of raping six year old Annie Bridges who is the daughter of his ex partner.
Gabe’s girlfriend Sam plans to take revenge over Mc Allister for breaking up with her, landing Gabe in the Huntsville prison and further going through mental torture and accusation in the courtroom.
Author Lin Wilder has wonderfully woven emotions with a perfect mix of descriptions of her characters giving her readers a well imaginable picture of the story plot.Writer Lin Wilder makes it easy for readers to connect with the novel based on the most happening current issue of child abuse and rape with a moral that always the accused is not guilty, sometimes the innocent can be a victim of conspiracy too.
‘Do You Solemnly Swear?’ not only makes an interesting and captivating read with many unexpected twists and turns but also an eye opener to the realities of life, law and courtroom.This novel is highly recommended to all and esp. to those who are interested in the genre of reality based suspense thriller.

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