Let It Ride


Laugh it out!

‘Let It Ride’ by author Matthew Scott is an outstanding novel which takes us on the life journey of ‘Beau Allen’ who is an easy going, living the life on his own conditions kind of a guy but his deep addiction of betting gambles lands him into a serious dark trouble, where he loses $100,000 of mafia ‘Arno’ in a bet. Now it depends on Beaus luck to deal with this awful situation either with his good sense of humor or lose his life at the hands of barbaric tortures of the mafia.
Author Matthew Scott’s amazing style of writing and narration tickles the laughter nerve of his readers with his hilarious story and characters. ‘Let It Ride’ absorbs its readers by retaining a strong story line with the base of death and reality of life with a perfect blend of comedy making it easy to connect with life- like characters and their personalities.
I personally found this novel very inspiring with a moral of never to lose hope in no matter what the situation or time brings for you and don’t let your illegitimate desires and actions ruin your life.
To sum it up ‘Let It Ride’ is definitely a perfect dose of laughter to end a hectic day, so just pick this entertaining, dark comedy and enjoy your ride through Beau’s life. Highly recommended to all and esp. to young readers.

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