Spider 2-3

Spider 2-3

Fiction based on reality.

When Stella Fincrest- a young heiress to the family empire in South Africa and girl friend of a former British Army special forces officer- Jim Peregrine or J.P is kidnapped while they are on a romantic Caribbean holiday, J.P is alarmed at her mysterious disappearance and gets back to join force with British Intelligence Agency MI6 to track down his love and unravel the master plan behind the kidnapping which has its roots deeply set in terrorism.
‘Spider 2-3’ is a well plotted and well thought out read where author Robert Vallier keeps his narration simple, straight forward and fast paced with intriguing mystery, packed with palpable trepidation oozing out at the turn of every page. With well developed characters and multi dimensional twists, author smartly crafts out a fictional read based on realistic situation faced by the world due to growing terrorism, showcasing his wealth of knowledge and imagination in his subject.
This mystery thriller is sure to grab readers from the opening pages and wont let go until the very end with its strong story line. Those looking for an engaging thriller with strong life-like characters, ‘Spider 2-3′ by author Robert Vallier is a sure recommendation for them!

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