Tales from Waxling Beach

An amusing & unpredictable story.

With an authentic period feel- creatively told through compelling narration, author Mark Rasdall’s ‘Tales from Waxling Beach’ is a full length fiction novel set in the year 2007 in Norfolk Coast of North England.

Shaken up by the prevailing technology led social media revolution, PR man-Nick Golding’s London agency, Prindle Massey is on the verge of facing drastic changes as American owners of the agency decide in the favor of the revolution, embracing and accepting new communication strategies. Nick’s archaeologist wife Nora sets out on an excavation at Waxling beach to lend a helping hand through ‘History and Mystery television series’ for Nick to unravel a path of unexpected discovery that has connections to his tragic past.

Embedded with an unpredictable plot that is amusing with mystery and surprisingly captivating, it is impossible to resist author Mark Rasdall’s charming cast of characters as they discover an exquisite thoughtful exploration of the ties that bind the fluidity of relationships, family and life. ‘Tales from Waxling Beach’ is a worthwhile fiction of endurance and courage that deserves to be read and appreciated for the imaginative skills and potentials possessed by the gifted writer.

This 5 star multilayered modern day read is highly recommended for fans of the genre and esp. for those who are looking for a non stereotypical novel.

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