The Woman Who Sparked the Greatest Sex Scandal of All Time

A worthy successor for more to come in future. ‘The Women Who Sparked the Greatest Sex Scandal of All Time’ is a multilayered modern day dystopian thriller that is saturated with explicit undertones of erotica. Tense, dramatic with a nice twist of enjoyable mysterious romp, author Eli Yaakunah delivers an intriguing novel with a charismatic Read more about The Woman Who Sparked the Greatest Sex Scandal of All Time[…]

The Burden of Gratitude: The Chronicles of Bayboro Correctional Facility II

Brilliantly set and beautifully compiled. Exquisitely imagined and immaculately delivered in form of short stories set in prison, ‘The Burden of Gratitude: The Chronicles of Bayboro Correctional Facility Book 2’ by author Bela Abel is a reconstruction of his past real life experiences. Giving out anecdotes of some poignant, some triumphant tales author Bela Abel Read more about The Burden of Gratitude: The Chronicles of Bayboro Correctional Facility II[…]

Healing Words, Healing Heart, for a Loving Soul

  Remarkable work of well rounded consciousness ‘Healing Words, Healing Heart, for a Loving Soul’ is a compact piece of encouragement, that is a wonderful result of meditation and reconstruction of author Nick Olsen’s unanswered questions to life. Compiled into a book of inspiring poems, author Nick Olsen’s poems read like so many distillations of Read more about Healing Words, Healing Heart, for a Loving Soul[…]


A powerful read that is sure to transport readers to an alien land. ‘Strife’ is a powerful multilayered modern day Sci-fi with rich descriptive and intricate narrative superbly crafted with well thought out gripping tale of grit, action and survival amidst corruption and instability. The alien world of Tallagen witnesses colonization of ‘Fleet Epsilon’ for Read more about Strife[…]

BERNIE TAYLOR: Life, Lust, Trust & Betrayal

Tender, touching and yet resonant ‘Bernie Taylor: Life, Lust, Trust and Betrayal’ is a masterful contemporary women’s erotica that unfolds a bold, impressive and sexy character of ‘Bernie Taylor’ a women with strong head, high ambitions and clear vision of needs and how to achieve them. Success at work and men come easy for Bernie Read more about BERNIE TAYLOR: Life, Lust, Trust & Betrayal[…]

Dare to Chart and Track Your Soul’s 2ND Journey: A Soul’s Guide from Conception to Death

For the sake of ones appetite of spiritual upliftment Positive and inspiring perspective of author Tammaso Grieco shines brightly through his unique ‘Soul’s Guide Book-Dare to Chart and Track Your Soul’s 2nd Journey‘ touching and enlightening his readers by leading them towards a knowledgeable journey of self discovery right from the conception. Incomparable, highly imagined Read more about Dare to Chart and Track Your Soul’s 2ND Journey: A Soul’s Guide from Conception to Death[…]

Freedom’s Light: A Rob and Tex adventure

Reconstruction of the tragic 9/11 & its aftermath. Author Robert Saniscalchi has penned down a masterful fictitious narrative based on the bitter past of U.S. by reconstructing the tragic event of 9/11. Featuring a snappy relationship of three brothers (Paul, Roy & Rob) engaged in hearty leisure time of a hunting expedition, author skillfully highlights Read more about Freedom’s Light: A Rob and Tex adventure[…]


Commendable historical fiction mingled with wit & wisdom ‘Nazilager’ is a poignant, brilliantly told historical fiction of survival, growth, loss and struggle that is very impressive in its sense of knowledge and research expertly woven into an insightful novel. Author J. R Rogers develops and delivers a wild ride of unexpected adventurous tale of Lt. Read more about Nazilager[…]

The Harvester Series: The Reap Begins

Multilayered parable, full of enigmas & thrilling quest. ‘The Harvester Series: The Reap Begins’ is an entertaining short sequel from ‘The Harvester Series’ that continues strong with vivid detailed settings intertwined with intricately developed plot to create an exceptionally immersive reading experience relayed by charismatic, multidimensional characters masterfully introduced by the author. A hidden intention Read more about The Harvester Series: The Reap Begins[…]